Fruitbull, estuvo presente en la Feria Internacional de Frutas y Verduras ‘Fruit Attraction 2016’
La empresa pionera en la generación de información en tiempo real estuvo presente en la octava edición de Fruit Attraction.
Fruitbull optimizes the quality of its data.
The platform of this Spanish startup is offering a new analytic tool able to compare the information of all supermarkets collected in the same scatter plot.
Fruitbull attends the SPAIN TECH WEEK 2016
Fruitbull the company pioneer of generation of data in real time for the fruits & vegetable market was one of the 16 companies attending Silicon Valley in the Spain Tech Week, from June 31 to 3 in San Francisco.
Fruitbull renews its digital platform to analyze the fruits and vegetable market in international markets.
Fruitbull has presented in a press conference its new developments. From May, they are already offering an analyzing tool to its clients in order to be more functional at international level and increase the reliability of the data.
Fruitbull visits the annual fair of food and hostelry in Dubai.
From 21 to 25 of February, 90.000 visitors from all over 170 countries, gathered in the "Dubai World Trade Centre" (DWTC) to celebrate the new edition of Guilfood, the annual fair of food, which serves as a platform for international trade to all the companies of the sector.
Fruitbull, expositora y presentadora del evento para startups, 4YFN
La tercera convocatoria de 4YFN acogió en el recinto ferial de Montjuïc, cerca de 12.000 personas y 573 startups, entre ellas Fruitbull, responsable de mostrar en primicia los primeros informes con análisis estadísticos y evolutivos del sector.
En 1956 nace esta empresa de cultivo, recolección y envasado de frutas y verduras,, con el objeto de cultivar tomates para la exportación.